Digest by Zapier app - 412 error with "This Digest step hit an error" message
Incident Report for Zapier
Incident Status: Resolved.

Incident was first noticed at 7:20 PM UTC and was resolved around 9:10 PM UTC.

Impacted users experienced issues with the Digest by Zapier steps, with log entries displaying "This Digest step hit an error" and "Precondition failed".

The issue did not result in any data loss. We aim to replay any failed tasks for our users so no manual action should be needed.

Should you have any further inquiries or concerns regarding this incident, our Support Team will be glad to assist you. You may reach out to them at: https://zapier.com/app/get-help.
Posted Sep 02, 2024 - 13:11 PDT
This incident affected: Website, Zaps, Developer Platform and Zaps (Instant Triggers, Polling Triggers, Searches & Writes).